Newsletter 28.02.25 Welcome back after what I hope was a restful and enjoyable half term. At the start of each term, I think it is important to reset expectations. Here at The Hurlingham Academy, we believe that consistency in teaching and expectations is key.
Newsletter 14.02.2025 It’s been an incredibly busy week again here at The Hurling-ham Academy. On Tuesday we had our termly PSHCE and house drop down day. In the morning pupils tackled a num-ber of important issues; Year 7 welcomed back 3 of our alum-ni pupils who spoke about their journey’s through 6th form, university and onto the world of work, Year 8 were investigat-ing careers in finance, year 9 were investigating alcoholism and year 10 were completing a module in computing .
Newsletter 07.02.25 It’s been another busy week here at The Hurlingham Academy. Teachers have been working around the clock to mark all the assessments completed by KS3, and I have already observed some fantastic feedback lessons.
Newsletter 31.01.25 This week I have been reflecting about the role of parents and the community, in supporting our vision here at The Hurlingham Academy. It is through working together that we really can achieve the best for our pupils.